10 Jan 2017
(1 Vote)

Sub-Headings of The Congress

    1. State, caliphate, reign, the provisions to set light to the basis and principles of administration in Islamic jurisprudence
    2. Administration basis and principles of Islamic state during our prophet and four caliphs period
      1. Our Prophet Period
      2. Hulafa-i Rashidin Period
    3. Administration procedures and principles of Islamic world state established in history
      1. Umayyad
      2. Caliphate of Cordoba
      3. Abbasids
      4. Mamluks
      5. Seljuk Empire
      6. Timurid Empire
      7. Safavid dynasty
      8. Ayyubids
      9. Ottomans
    4. Administration procedures and principles of empires established in history
      1. Roman Empire
      2. British Empire
    5. Current state administration types
      1. Central administration principles
      2. Decentralized administration principles
    6. Current multinational states, union and organizations
      1. UN Organization
      2. EU Organization
      3. USA Administration System
      4. Russia Independent States Administration System
      5. South Africa Republic
      6. African Union Organization
      7. Gulf Cooperation Organization
      8. Islamic Union Organization
    7. Administration types of Muslim states recognized by un organization and common features of their administration
    8. Muslim states union administration principles and bodies (congress report)
      1. Islamic Union Administration Bodies
      2. Regional Islamic Union Administration Bodies
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The Main Theme Of The 1st International Islamic Union Congress Of ASSAM: Government Forms From Past To Future

The Islamic lands owned by 60 Islamic countries constitutes the 60 out of 193 member states of the united nations (31% of the members), 1,6 billions out of 7,145 billions of world population (22,5% of the world population),  19 million km2 out of 150 million km2 of world lands (12,8% of world lands). When the boundaries are ignored, the Islamic geography constitutes a bloc which:

Is found at the centre of Asia, Europe and Africa known as the world island;

  • Controls the Gibraltar, Bab-el Mendeb, Dardanelle straits which is assumed as entrance doors to the world’s largest inland sea of the Mediterranean, the Red and Black sea and Suez canal;
  • Has a coast to Atlantic, Indian ocean and Mediterranean, the Red, Black and Caspian sea;
  • Has a border neighbourhood via land and sea to Asia, Europe, Africa continents, and to great powers of the world assumed as super powers such as European Union, Russia, India, China, and to the United States Of America through sea;
  • Has the capacity of being a center of world without any alternative in road, air and sea transportation routes;
  • Has 55.5% of world oil reserves and 45.6% of its production, 64.1% of natural gas reserves, and 33% of its production;
  • Has a potential power which is ready to be a super power of the future by uniting its all possibilities and efforts with its geopolitical position, common civilization values and historical accumulation.

The Islamic world where it should be sovereign in its geography, each of the Islamic countries were became an area of unannounced, secret, insidious, dirty and asymmetric third world war where all they are forced to fight due to the elements of ethnic and sectarian diversity within the unitary structures.

Despite the advantages it has, Islamic countries have experienced a great unrest by the interventions of imperialist western states. As a result of this chaos, great suffering and sorrow have been come through in Islamic geography. Millions of Muslims immigrate to the places where they believe safe by leaving their homes and lands. During migration, thousands of Muslims have died, on the other hand the people who had the ability to survive are being obliged to live in poverty and misery.

According to data of 2016 of United Nations high commissioner for refugees, only 5 millions of Syrian citizens have migrated. This figure is even higher with unregistered refugees. Syrian refugees have migrated to turkey (2.749.140), Iraq (249.726), Jordan (629.128), Egypt (132.275), Lebanon (1.172.753) and other places in North Africa. Apart from these numbers, an intense immigration attempts have been lived and a majority of them have lost their lives in Mediterranean. The number of application of asylum seekers has been more than 270,000.

The third world war is maintained as a war not declared to Islamic countries. After the collapse of the ottomans, the Muslims whom left rule less tried to continue their existence by establishing small states, however they became weak as they lost their unity. The United States Of America, the European Union, the commonwealth of independent states aims to establish authority by conducting asymmetric war through the terrorist organizations they control over Islamic countries in order to obtain Islamic geography.

The aim of this congress is to discuss under what kind of administration the Islamic union can be achieved by researching administration forms of both Islamic countries and western countries on the basis of security and justice by considering the countries Muslim refugees have preferred.

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11 Feb 2017
(0 votes)

Congress Honor Board


Prof. Dr. Nevzat TARHAN

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ZELKA 


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Declaration of ASSAM Confederation of Islamic States for Islamic Union

ASSAM – The Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center –has held the First International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress on November 23 and 24, 2017 with the subheading of "Past to Future Government Forms."

The ASSAM Board of Directors has accepted the attached “ASSAM Islamic Countries Confederation Declaration for Islamic Union” and it has been resolved to share the Declaration with the public of the Turkish and Islamic countries.

The declaration was first opened to signatures of NGOs. It will then be declared to the relevant Countries.

To participate in the declaration, click here to download the document and sign it and send to ASSAM.

The Declaration will be signed on September 9-10, 2017 at the "2nd IDSB International NGO Fair" and press release will be made.

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Islamic Countries Confederation Declaration in 2nd International NGO Fair

"The First International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress" was held under the subheading "Past to Future Government Forms" on 23-24 November 2017.

As a result of the ASSAM Congress, the "ASSAM Islamic Countries Confederation - Declaration for the Islamic Union" was approved by the ASSAM Executive Board and it was decided to share the Declaration with the Turkish and Islamic Countries.

The Declaration signed by international NGOs will be announced to the public through a press conference at "2nd International NGO Fair" on 9-10 December 2017.

Last modified on th+03:00+0300R+0310800_K2_WedAM+03E_December+0300RDecAM+03_0C1
12 Dec 2017
(1 Vote)

1st International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Articles Abstract Book is Published

1st International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Articles Abstract Book is Published.

You can download the booklet by clicking on the link below.

Last modified on st+03:00+0300R+0310800_K2_SatPM+03E_July+0300RJulPM+03_0C1
15 Feb 2018
(1 Vote)

ASRICA Islamic Countries Union Confederal Republic Constitution (Model)

This (model) constitution determines the existence and the unity of Islamic countries in line with the understanding of the Ummah which determined by the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V).

The main aims of the constitution:

  • to gather Islamic Countries under a single roof
  • to live together spiritual values and glorify
  • to produce together material values and share


Last modified on th+03:00+0300R+0310800_K2_MonPM+03E_September+0300RSepPM+03_1C1
04 Jul 2018
(0 votes)
Last modified on th+03:00+0300R+0310800_K2_WedPM+03E_July+0300RJulPM+03_0C1